Another weekend dedicated to sharing the passion for driving has just passed: The Outlierman had in fact the pleasure to attend the exclusive SupercarSafari 2015 as a partner of the event, so we didn’t bother to warm up the engine and we left for the wonderful Tuscany.
A journey of 1400 km that started in the picturesque landscape of Forte dei Marmi, where on Saturday October 10th we met with more than 50 fans, from all over north and central Italy for a total of 30 cars, which like us were eager to hold the steering wheel and kick off this adventure. The weather was not on our side, but the passion has no limits and we didn’t let that discourage us.
Around lunchtime we arrived at the International Circuit of Siena where the SupercarSafari GoKart Chanpionship was waiting for us. Unfortunately we were not able to race due to the heavy rain, but if you have the passion for driving in your blood you can not be certainly intimidated: that’s how we ended up participating in a reliability trial with our own supercars, anxious to take the challenge with a genuine competitive spirit in the air.
Finally we arrived in San Gimignano where we could recharge our batteries and share the evening with other participants, listening to travel and car stories just like us gentlemen drivers like to do.
The next day the alarm clock sounded early in the morning, the wonderful Tuscany was sun-kissed and the SupercarSafari continued through a natural itinerary with unique landscapes and exciting roads for driving enthusiasts. Before lunchtime we arrived at Passo dell’Abetone, we deployed our cars for some pictures and then we proceeded toward Sestola, where this exceptional adventure ended amid the general enthusiasm after a wonderful lunch in the company of these fantastic fellow adventurers.
“Cars are made to be driven”, this is the motto of SupercarSafari. And we couldn’t not take their word for it, living the road with the timeless style that distinguishes our passion, every day.