Once upon a time there were the old master craftsmen: hands, eyes, genius and heart. Chosen individuals, at one with the matter, bearers of a know-how handed down from generation to generation through gestures: cutting, sewing, tapping, brushing, assembling, finishing.
Once upon a time, and in Italy nowadays too, there were capable craftsmen. Like ours, who manufacture by hand all the accessories and travel bags in The Stylish Globetrotter collection. They are the ones that turn our designers’ projects into real objects, working with passion in their workshops, immersed in the scent of fine leather and silks, surrounded by countless tools with suggestive names and strange shapes.
In a high quality workshop every phase of production is carried out by a qualified professional. Only a leather cutting master has the precision and knowledge necessary to get the maximum yield from materials with minimal waste. A task even more difficult when performed entirely by hand on precious leather like the one we have selected for The Stylish Globetrotter collection: full-grain calfskin, the most valuable, the only one that maintains the natural grain of the leather’s top surface.
The “banconista” (aka assembler) is the one who sews leather to assemble different pieces, a task that requires pinpoint accuracy in order that the stitches are linear and the pieces perfectly symmetrical. Extreme attention is required also in this phase, because the holes left by the needle have no chance of closing again and even a slight error would compromise the hide.
Then there are those responsible for the finishing, a phase during which the bags are completed with all the details that make them functional and recognizable: buckles, studs, zippers, handles and, of course, The Outlierman logo imprinted on the leather.
It is truly fascinating to walk around different workstations and watch craftsmen at work. In our workshops, we have seen them sewing stitch by stitch the long zipper that allows to fully open the weekender garment bag, a design solution that we conceived to make the weekender particularly comfortable and easy to fill.
Then we have seen them attach the capacious pockets on the interior and exterior of the travel trolley bag and the supports at the bottom of the travel case, we have followed with interest the assembly of the locking tabs of the travel tie case and the care for all those small details which really make the difference. In a superior craft product, in fact, even the smallest of details has a specific function, which is practical and aesthetic at the same time.
All these handmade productions are synonymous with premium quality, which is one of the distinguishing features of The Stylish Globetrotter collection. For example, the inner linings are made of 100% Fuji silk, a style choice that enhances the vividness of our exclusive patterns inspired by the most iconic classic cars of all time, making much more appealing the combination with the external leather in red, black, yellow, blue, tan, British racing green… the colors of the authentic driving passion!
The projects of our designers have come to life right on the wooden tables that you see in these pictures, becoming what we had dreamed: exclusive travel bag sets in perfect sync with the image of a modern Gentleman, that oozes driving passion, wanderlust and a unique style desire.
Photos: Federico Bajetti for The Outlierman © 2016

1 commento
Superb inomfoatirn here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.