Color Inspirations: how British racing green influenced sport triumphs – THE OUTLIERMAN

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  • Alex Small

    Interesting article that completely lacks substance as regarding the real history of this classic colour. It actually dates to the 1903 Gordon Bennet Cup held in Ireland when the British Napier ‘s were painted a shamrock green in honour of the then dependant nation. International racing colours had been suggested a few years before by father of prewar racing Count Eliot Zborowski as an aid to recognising each nations teams. Britain’s natural colours had already been taken, hence the green.
    As green was considered unlucky the hue darkened over the years to the rich colour we now associate as BRG.
    Also, there was no mention of the iconic interwar Bentley’s and Sunbeam’s that helped popularise this often misunderstood colour.

  • Jim Jennings

    My 1955 Austin Healey 100-4 used to be British Racing Green I may repaint it someday

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